Hi lovelies.
If you ever ask my family or close friends, to name at least one trait of mine, ninety nine percent of the time, you will get “LAZY” as an answer. I don’t even blame them, it had come to a point, that I had made my peace with it and had started calling myself a “lazy person.”
I had given up on improving. I knew I was Lazy, somehow managing to get things done at the last moments, and had made that my reality. (And we know words create our reality, especially if accompanied by such strong belief or faith.)
I am pretty confident that, this blog you all are gonna read today, is going to be of real help! If I can become this person today, for sure some of these pointers can help you out too.
Let’s quit being lazy in 2024, shall we?
There are many physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual reasons for extreme laziness. And I see videos on various platforms, on beating laziness at physical or mental level alone.
For the sake of this blog, I have divided the pointers of help into these 4 categories, however, they can always overlap. As always, pick what resonates and move ahead. It’s not necessary that you follow this advice to the ‘T’, however it would be beneficial if you pick at least one point from each category.
Titles like : “Quit Lazy girl Era in 2024”, are really captivating. I watched and read many such contents before sitting down to write this blog. And I realized how important it was for some more people to speak of things other than forming goals, vision boards, exercise, etc. Again, all were very good advices, however they wouldn’t have worked for me, without diving deep into the real reasons for such Laziness that bared me from getting even some personal things done.
I encourage you to all to do this activity right now, it would hardly take 5 minutes. Please do not be lazy about it 😉
Pick up a notebook, or use your laptop or a word pad in your phone, and write down the answers to the following:
1) Why do I feel lazy to do _xyz__?
2)Do I often feel drained or lack of energy?
3)What happens when I do things I love? Am I lazy in doing things I love too?
4)How do I describe myself? ( lazy, tired, unmotivated, etc)
5)What have I done so far to improve my condition? (goal setting, waking up early, etc)
6)How do I feel when my things are not done or if people call me lazy?
7)Do I want to improve? If yes, Do I know how? (write down methods you think will help you)
If you have done this exercise and have figured out your respective areas to work on, let’s get to the pointers that will help you to redefine 2024 as a year when “You Stopped Being Lazy”!

Often times, we blame ourselves or get blamed for being lazy, even when we are doing our best. With hustle culture, fast moving world , so much to be done..sometimes we just do not have the energy to get things done. (But we do have unlimited power source : will talk about this point soon)
The reasons for this physical drain can be many, for example :
- Poor diet, incomplete nutritional diet.
- No rest, excluding the 5 to 6 hours of sleep (there are 6 types of rest, and sleep alone does not suffice )
- Underlying illness or weakness
- Improper sleep routines or other bad habits
- Uncontrolled usage of things like alcohol, sugary stuff, drugs, etc.
How to overcome
If reasons for your laziness is a physical one. Try these things :
It goes without saying : Improve your diet.
Be mindful of what you put in your body. Avoid eating junk, or drinking much of alcohol.
If you feel, things are getting out of hand, I would encourage you to first go for a full body check up, figure out what vitamins or other nutrients your body needs, and plan your diet accordingly.
You do not have to fast or eat just veggies : diet can be fun. Figure out your favorite food that you love to eat and are also nutritious, and add 2 or 3 such foods which are not loved by you.
Start small, do not make drastic changes all at once (unless your doctor prescribes otherwise.)
Quit or try to quit habits like drinking, smoking, etc – they really play a huge role (even bring your vibrations down, if not taken mindfully) I am not asking you to give them up altogether – just become mindful and cut down – I know you all know best, what your body needs – Become Aware!
Move your body
It is an obligation to include exercise in all self help talks, it really is! It makes all the difference in the world. Especially if your reason for laziness is physical or mental. Move your body : it can be for 10, 20 or 30 minutes to one hour.
It can be in any form like : dancing, running, stretching, walking in nature, cycling, gym, yoga, sports, etc.
There are countless studies on benefits of exercise, not just for laziness but even for mental illnesses like depression : Exercise can’t be stressed upon enough.

Fix your sleep
I know I sound generic, but these points have to be made here, at least once. Your sleep cycle just like exercise plays a huge role in deciding the amount of energy you are gonna have in a day. Will talk about in depth in another blog. (spiritual angle too)
Work with your body
Unlike me, do not get unnecessarily motivated to change your entire life in one go : start slow.
You need to hear what your body needs, how it feels, what it wants and how to provide for it.
For example: I once got motivated and went to the gym. It was first ever day, and I worked out quite a lot. The next day, I felt very shitty, my body was in pain, no amount of sleep was fixing or healing it, I couldn’t straighten my arms or walk without crying out in pain.
Not just this, I made changes in my diet, quit everything I like, all at once. Pushed myself extra hard to be productive “ALL THE TIME”, every single minute of the day.
Obviously, I gave up in 3 days. And the fear of such kind of pain along with dullness of that day : made me not take any step at all for next 6 months.
I urge you therefore, do not jump all at once. Figure out how you feel.
Six months later, I started slow. I started with yoga (I felt happier, better and comfortable doing yoga. Then switched to gym 3 times a week, after I was ready and my body felt ready.) I started by quitting packeted snacks like chips, doritos, etc. And made space for proper rest, mental , physical and spiritual rest.
Another example is : Waking up at 4 or 3 am, when you have been sleeping in till 11am for years, is purely unrealistic. Even if you sleep later that day, your body needs time to adjust to waking up at 3 or 4. So realistically, try waking up half an hour or one hour before your normal wake up time.

It’s okay to not be active 365 days a year. If you do feel that on some days, despite proper diet, exercise, rest,etc your body feels the need to rest more, then be lazy and take that rest. But do not make it a habit or an excuse. Respect your body and its needs. Do not lie down watching Netflix and call it a rest day.
Another thing that has helped me a lot are these challenges I take. 75 days challenges and now this 92 days challenge! It is a great motivation and habit building exercise. It is also good for accountability. Improves self confidence, will power, etc. It also makes you work on lethargic days.
Rigid Goals
Rigid goals like to do list for each days, etc do not work for me. But hey, they have proven quite effective for many people. I prefer my non- compromisables (talked about in my morning routine blog.) and long term goals. I like knowing that I am moving in the right direction, without ticking every step on the way.
Another reasons for your laziness could be mental or emotional. Maybe You have the energy to work out, however your mood, emotions or mental health comes in the way. This is often viewed as laziness by others, when you might be struggling from within. Their could be many reasons for it like:
- Mental health issues
- Trauma
- A loss or recent failure
- Hopelessness
- Negative mindset
- Constant discouragement
- A job you don’t like
- Feeling stuck or unmotivated
- Others
First step to work on this is to : BECOME AWARE.
Find out your energy drainers, your thoughts, your feelings, what’s holding you down, amount of rest you are taking, etc. And if needed, approach a doctor. However, if its not that serious, and you feel you just need a push to get out of the slump, here are few tips:
Positive content
I can’t stress enough, how words, images, songs, etc create your reality. With increasing crime documentaries, negative news, constant gossips, and other forms of negative content, we are being forced to create our realities with such negative outcomes. Negative content pulls your vibration down too and puts you in a low, irritable mood, if not anything worse.
Again, I am not asking you to avoid it completely. Just make sure you are filling your brain up with more positive talks and content than the negative ones, and slowly reduce from there on. This brings me to the next point.
This is a main cause for our mental and emotional fatigue. Trust me on this, I have mindfully reduced my screen time, and it has made a significant impact on not just my energy levels but also on my mental and emotional health.
Even if you are watching positive content, but you are doing so without proper breaks, it can lead to unwanted tiredness.
It is kind of sad to observe, but not just adults, children too have become victims of overstimulation. WE constantly need short contents, visual contents, etc for example, while eating, bathing, working, etc.
People go on walks in nature with their head phones on. We are slowly loosing touch of our environment, being constantly engrossed in our screens. Either we are on our laptops working, using our phones for work or other reasons, or using devices like tablets, televisions,etc. And if not these, we are listening to radio, speakers, etc. We are listening to songs, podcasts, comedy shows, all the time, even while driving, eating, bathing,etc. We are not able to sit in silence. Our day starts with phones and end with them. Even when trying to be mindful, we use headphones and guided meditations. This dependence and easily available form of stimulation, is detrimental.

So, I encourage us to at least take a day off the week with no devices, or half a day, or set limits on screen time, even if its used for positive content. And see your energy improve. Stop giving your energy to these stimulants and bring it back in your body.
Self care
I know, you have no time, mood, energy to do the productive stuff – you are procrastinating, so how will you find energy for self care right?
Self care is not time or energy consuming, it doesn’t have to be. And it’s got many benefits, just like exercising. It helps in nourishing your skin, body, mind and soul.
Check out my blog to know more.
Your room, house, almirah, study rack, etc, speaks more about you than you can imagine. Your space defines how your mental space is going to be. De-cluttered organized space helps you become more organized and decluttered in your life.
This holds true for all, but especially for highly sensitive people. Unorganised cluttered place is overstimulating. It’s like a bunch of tasks to do, before you can breathe. If you say, I do not mind unorganized room, good – you can skip this point. However, I want you to take a second and reflect on your mood when your house is a mess versus when it’s not.
It’s hard to find peace when you house is a mess. It subconsciously causes stress and anxiety. It makes us irritable and we can’t find calmness. It also drains your energy (spiritual reasons too), as you have to work extra hard to find things. You even have extra stimulation, for all your stuff is lying around.
Plus, it also looks pretty neat, socially as well as personally – to have a organized beautiful home.
So, if you being lazy, start by organizing a small portion of your room. For example, you can start by putting your dirty clothes in the washing machine, it would hardly take a minute, and see how that gets you going for other tasks of the day.
If you are familiar with Mel Robbins 5 minute technique : When you are feeling lazy, count backward, 5 ….. 4….. 3….. 2 …… 1 and off you go, even if you do something small, but do it.
Nothing can help you, none of these pointers will, if you do not change your mindset.
You might read this blog right now, or watch countless videos, but if it doesn’t come from within, you will simply keep being your old you, giving into your habits. Even if you are beaten by a steel rod, you would not move.
That’s the power of your will, mind and mindset.
A positive mindset can make you do wonders.
But, it all starts with you wanting to have or incorporate that mindset, and when you do – you might not even need any sort of help – you will do everything the way it’s meant for you.
It’s a simple yet powerful tool, and just like anything else, it needs discipline. There are various techniques like, gym, 75 days challenge, to do lists, etc which can help you stay on track and not give in to old habits. (will talk about how to cultivate a good positive mindset soon.)

Maybe there are no physical, mental or emotional reasons for your fatigues. And maybe that’s why you have tagged yourself as “LAZY”. But hey, don’t go labeling so soon, I know we humans love labeling everything and everyone.
Many a times we are unaware of things that are happening right in front of us, then how do we expect ourselves to become of things happening in more subtler realms or invisible realms around us?
Many of us go through dark nights of soul, or a depressive periods or episodes due to our spiritual awakening process, it could last from 1 week to 5 years or more, depending on each individual. And we are constantly tired, sleepy, physically and mentally drained, as our energy is used up in other spiritual process, which we might or might not be aware of.
Spiritual awakening comes with lot of factors at hand, loneliness, mental health issues, lagging behind work, etc. And all this adds extra pressure, which inturns drags the process.
Any spiritual ritual, process, etc takes a lot of energy and unless we become aware, and learn how to channel and process our energies, we might have a hard time.
Even if you are not going through a spiritual awakening, maybe there are other sorts of spiritual factors at play. And it’s upto you and you alone to identify the issue. Is it physical, emotional or spiritual?
Here are some general tips to beat laziness from a spiritual angle :
Raise your vibration
Beating laziness is simple, it needs a certain amount of energy and a certain type of mindset. We took care of mindset by cultivating good habits, positive content, taking rest, etc. Now, its time to get the energy flowing, to get things done. And I am a big believer in incorporating different techniques to raise your vibration, which in turn raises your energy, which in turn raises your mood, health, etc.
Here is my blog to help you learn more about it.
Redefine yourself
Another powerful shift can brought in, is through your words. Change your words, change your reality.
Tell yourself and your loved ones to never call you lazy, and constantly affirm yourself of how amazing, organized, active and healthy you are. Do it for a week, you might see the results before the week completes. Another great way to build a good mindset.
Throw in some self love and enjoy each day. See the magic flowing out of each words you speak.
Spiritual practices
Other than these, I would suggest to follow your spiritual practices and ritual religiously, or how you can. Listen to your body, mind and soul. Do not be pressurized by others and be discouraged. Not all days are going to be the same, try working with yourself and not against yourself.
Practices like meditation, journaling, chanting, yog nidra, moon rituals, being present , etc can help along the way.

Other practices in general like dressing up for no reason, making your tasks enjoyable, taking accountability for your actions through various apps, making your bed first thing in the morning, constant hydration, working on passion projects, finding joys in small moments, etc – also help!
I hope you all liked today’s topic. Let me know if I missed out anything. I hope you got off your bed after reading so far and if nothing else, just journal out things that are keeping you in a rut.
Let rid of your lazy era!! Comment below if you find it helpful!
Thankyou for reading.
Catch you soon………
Thankyou!! :))
I love this blog and the writer
Thankyou 🙂