March Energy Reading! 🍀

Clouds clearing up. Bright sunny March is here!

Hi lovelies,

I enjoyed updating you all on February energies, I hope you all enjoyed it too. Let me know whether you found it helpful.

Last month, it was a sudden impulse and a never ending urge to share those vibes with you, to prepare you for the February pause.

This time however, it was just my own desire to update you all on these bright coming days of March. I am guided by my intuition here, but the numerology and some of the astrological readings are not mine, I gathered it from other astrologers and psychics online. And a common general reading will be shared here!


January was fiery, with it’s go getter energy. And February came with its sacred pause. January’s go getter vibes symbolized Masculine energies whereas feminine energies were at fore front in February.

Personally, February was really hard for me up until 24th & 25Th i.e full moon. Energies shifted post the full moon. I felt the energies had gotten personally too intense for me from the new moon in Aquarius to full moon in Virgo.

Coming to MARCH.

March looks super bright. Its warm, sunny, positively charged month with happy go lucky vibe.

No, it isn’t like January.

This month symbolizes HARMONIZATION.

Especially with the Equinox (equal day and night) on 20th March.

It represents the balance. Balance in terms of energies, work & enjoyment, passion & commitments! Scales of balance are coming to center. If you have been occupied or have been working with regards to only one area of your life, then this month will push you to balance it out with the others.

March is great for new beginnings.

I spoke about this in the previous blog too. I asked you all to not start any new projects, commitments, habits, relationships,etc in the month of February, as it was a month asking you to let go and make space. Now that the space is created, time for new seeds.

This brings me to another point.

We have already sowed our seeds in January. And by this time, you will see some of them sprout. No, it isn’t the time for harvest just yet, however you will see your small wins. You will feel motivated looking at things coming to fruition.

For example, if you have started a project last year, in December or January, then by this time around you will see a very noticeable and motivating growth. This is a push March will give us to keep striving forward.

March Brings Hope.

It brings light and happiness. You will find yourself much happier and not easily annoyed this month. This will help in keeping you motivated, joyful, less serious or groggy or even stressed.

This Month as told by many seems : GREEN.

Green is also the colour of Heart Chakra. And it also symbolizes growth and plant life. ALL TRUE FOR MARCH.

Green – for growth – linked to your projects, relationships, adventures, etc.

Green – Plants i.e nature – you will called by nature this month, so please allow yourselves to spend as much time as possible in nature, go for a walk on the beach or lake or in a forest – which feels the best, or simply observe sunset or sunrise. Enjoy the peace and quietness of nature. Most importantly, enjoy its playfulness – observe birds, animals, plants, etc.

March is not too serious – its got a playful vibe.

Therefore, you might feel unmotivated or lazy when it comes to repetitive or stressful work and deadlines.

It is associated more with creative endeavors and most specifically new adventures. You might feel like that inner child wants to come out and bask in the sun, jump into puddles or dance around carefree.

Indulge yourself in soulful activities where your inner child can enjoy.  And therefore, you might find yourself in risky or fun new adventures – a sudden road trip or a new creative project, etc. Find this time for fun.

If however, you find it difficult to work and need tips on how to get motivated for those days – MY ONLY TIP WILL BE PRACTICE BEING GROUNDED– meditation, breath work, keeping your anger & other emotions in check, spending time in nature, indulging in self care, etc can help.

Green – Heart Chakra energy – I already mentioned the playful & soulful parts. Heart chakra is associated with emotions, love, feelings, inner self, joy, etc. Month of March comes to harmonize this. You therefore, need to work with the energies of this month to consciously and intentionally work on your heart chakra. A blocked heart chakra can disrupt your entire life. I am personally working on it since Janurary and yet feel a little heavy. March will be perfect to do so.

Not just this but March is perfect for balancing and harmonizing all your CHAKRAS and your life altogether.

With that being said, I would like to conclude with the numerology aspect.

Month of March = 3

Year = 2024 = 2+0+2+4 = 8

8+3 = 11

11 or 1+1 =2, is the vibrational frequency for this month.

11 is a powerful number, linked with intuition, growth, new beginnings, masculinity etc. Blocked energies of this can bring hopelessness, illness, stuck energies, burn outs, etc. Thus, work on your positives and make most of this.

2 is a number of collaboration, cooperation, harmony, balance, femininity, considerate to others, etc.

SO, beautiful to  see both 1 and 2 in March, as it’s the 3rd month.

The characters of these numbers will be heightened and available for you to make use and bring a balance in your life, if so far your life felt uncertain, unpredictable, hostile or stressful – know that clouds are moving and you will find joy again!

Enjoy the energies of this Month, work with them rather than forcing yourself and resisting it.

March is here to remind you that YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH! And its paving way for better.

I know many of you due to work or conditioning will resist the childlike aspects of this month, that energy, curiosity and playfulness – but I request you all to embrace it and allow yourself to live – that freely.

I hope this Month of March brings a lot of joy, happiness and positivity into your life.

Sending you lots of love and light!

Catch you soon………….

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