Hi all,
I am here today, to share a tiny win, to inspire maybe some or all of you reading it.
I am so crazy about self improvement, that quite literally would do or try out anything out there for it. And trust me I have learnt things the hard way, because like I said in my previous blog, “Too much of anything is Poison”.
Also I am so happy that I will be sharing some real and authentic pictures , taken by myself in this blog.
Let’s dive deep shall we?
So, on 28 MAY, 2021 – Something screamed at me, in my head – to get my lazy ass off the bed and my eyes off the screens – to do something productive.
The inspiration, nevertheless came from an Instagram Reel – So, to all parents out there – USING MOBILE PHONE IS NOT ALWAYS BAD, okay.
PS: Don’t take this advice too seriously.

The reel I mention about earlier, explained a simple concept, that I felt excited about.
A little side note – growing up I have always been a non disciplined kid, in most areas of my life. Yes, I do get my work done all the time, before the deadlines – But I am and was just lazy, till the very last minute. Thus, came all night crammings, scoldings, stress, anxiety….. Uff… you get the drill!
Although, I loved and love being organized , it just was applied on making beautiful planners and sticking it to the study table or room, to catch dust.
So, on 28th May, 2021 (Wasting half of the lockdown days), I decided to do something productive, for my mind, body and soul. Also, for academics (always forget to add that).
Anyways, the challenge explained so seriously in that reel was :
“I Dare you to give yourself, the next 75 days, to never ever be not disciplined again(some self improvement message). For next 75 days, you must Exercise, Meditate, Journal, Read at least 10 pages and take a progress picture, each day. And if you fail, even on a single day, in completing these 5 activities, you must start from DAY 1.” – yes, I paraphrased it – but the gist of it, really was this.
I still see these kinds of videos circulating on the internet, however, they have been made more rigid, with fixed time and duration of each activity.
I liked the one I saw and tried.
It felt like a challenge to me and I was up for it.
Before I go on explaining what I learnt :
I completed the challenge successfully and loved it so much, that I extended it and continued till 94th DAY or more. Until I fell sick!

Lessons learnt from this challenge: Coming straight out of my journal entries:
1) The concept or ritual of taking a progress pic, post your completion of other 4 tasks, helped in ways, in which it was not even intended for. I wrote in my journal “ these progress pics have been helping me in 2 ways : firstly, it helps me get ready even on normal day (i.e if I don’t go out), taking baths on time and doing my self care. Secondly, even if I don’t wear my best clothes, I see myself as PRETTY & BEAUTIFUL in those photos. NOTHING FANCY BUT REAL.”
2) It is obvious, how much this simple exercise, helped me with my self care rituals and to uplift my self esteem or to counter any body issues. (in terms of appearance).
3) On most days, I was just happy for no reason i.e internally happy. This I think is because I felt internally good about working on myself for better.

4) I was productive on most days during this challenge, I got up on time and on days that I didn’t, I still got more done than ever before. This again made me feel good and proud of myself.
5) This definitely built a proper routine for me. Not the rigid one with fixed time slots but a more flexible one with important tasks to be completed, in manner I sought best. A habit I was trying to build for years, was instantly instilled in me. Something felt incomplete if I couldn’t finish those 5 tasks by the evening, and then I would push myself to do it.
6) My meditation sessions got deeper and more relaxing. I felt more connected than ever before. Even though I meditated for like 10 minutes on busy days and 20 minutes on days I had the time. But just showing up that way for myself each day was enough in itself!
7) My body felt better than ever, not that I was hitting gym each day for 2 straight hours, but exercising based on what your body needs and enjoys each day, was a reward in itself. I chose yoga on some rest days for half an hour to 45 minutes and gym on certain days for an hour or so. It felt internally great. No diet, no limitation on what I could or couldn’t eat, Just consistency for exercising. I know we need gaps and rest days for exercises, but for sake of this challenge, I included yoga or light exercises for rest days. I didn’t see much of a physical change, except some weight loss, but it impacted me in an amazing way mentally. And I was aiming just for that. (Didn’t have intention to lose weight, etc – just wanted to stay fit and healthy, both physically and mentally.)
8) I finished almost 2 books, during this time – never felt more proud. Both were self help books: Subtle art of not giving an F and Gifts of imperfection by Brene Brown. Gifts of imperfection is one of my favourite books, even to this day. It was simple and easy to grasp for a person like me, who loves to read but was out of practice.

9) Each day had its own challenges: relationship issues, blackouts, going out with family or friends, procrastinating, exams, family drama, stress, etc. And I overcame it, OCD helped a little, but it was more about the will power and commitment. After being on track for even 3 days, I did not want my progress to go waste and start from DAY 1 again. Because I knew myself that I wouldn’t, I would just think I am a failure and give up for good. So, I kept showing up for myself. I worked out on days where I didn’t get time : at either early morning 6 am (person who didn’t leave bed till 11 am) or at 9 or 10 pm at night, for the sake of completing those 5 things for the day.
10) Not everyday, did I feel like journaling – and so that’s what I wrote and completed it.
The challenge ended on 9th August, 2021. I was so happy and proud to have made it this far.

But I didn’t wanna stop it, I had seen so many positive changes because of it, that I simply wanted to continue.
I did continue it till the 94th Day i.e 1st September 2021.
I had to stop because:
- I caught cold and doing anything during that time, felt a million times worse. So I called it a rest day and skipped, however I did not start it again.
- I did not start again – because I stopped holding myself accountable – I felt I did not need to push myself for 5 tasks now that the challenge is over. I had already proved myself what I was capable of. However, that’s where I went wrong. I don’t mean to take a life long challenge like that, but the thing that I was most worried about was a rest day : that I wont start again if I broke the rhythm and that became true.
- That was my limiting belief. Not being able to get back up, post some bad day, a rest day or a day where you failed : not just for a challenge but in life : is worse that ever succeeding. It is easier to keep going than to start again or to start from scratch or to begin new journeys. Our mind searches comfort in the knowing. And I broke that by forcing my way into healthy habits, but I gave that accountability a limit of 75 days. Post which it didn’t matter to do all that, despite the results.
- Moreso, I was afraid of the big number. 75 days are a lot. And it scared me to start again, to push myself like that for another 75 days.
- What I should have done: I should either have reduced the challenge for 10 or 21 days, or could have made it a bit more creative like adding things I love, to it or reducing it to 3 habits, etc.
On an ending note, I would say : It was one of the best challenges I ever took for myself, on my journey to self improvement. I am still very proud of it! And it inspired faith and confidence in myself to a point that even today when I dread something, my journal entries from these 75 days are enough to remind me, that I can do anything! It inspired me to take more such self improvement challenges over the years. I modified them ofcourse to my needs, requirements, purpose, etc.

Self Improvement is an Journey.
Move with the flow of life and don’t mind the stones : for those stones will force you to find your way!!
Next challenge I took after it was for 21 days, to reduce negative circumstances or to create a more positive atmosphere around me. ( if you guys are interested : will post the same in another blog?)
I hope it helped you in some ways and inspired some of you to take up a challenge – if not 75, then something on the line of 5 or 10 or 21 days. It doesn’t need to be a rigid, head scratching challenge or something that’s pre made – You can challenge yourself and compete with yourself. The truest form of self improvement challenge.
Thankyou for reading!
Good yrrr , I can’t dare to complete your 75 day challange
Hey thanks, you can too I know 🙂
[…] I took a 75 Days challenge! […]