Hello Lovelies,
Today’s topic is perfect as the first ever one for this year. It is about finding magic wherever you go. Finding magic in each moment. Finding magic in every person, place, thing, and event.
How to stay spiritual throughout the day?
Many of us are operating on autopilot most of the time. We often struggle to find time for our spiritual practices or blame our schedule for not being as spiritually attuned as we want. But what if there was a way to be spiritual, conscious, aware, or find peace in every single moment without having to single out any specific time, day, or date in your schedule? Without those rituals or practices. Without any extra effort.

How do you do that?
It is quite amazing, as it is a common understanding. So, when I talk about it, you might wonder that it’s pretty basic and that you don’t need to be told this.
BUT YOU DO. Because you need to hear it, as you might know this concept but might not know how to embrace it or incorporate it into your day to day life.
So, before I jump into how to be spiritual throughout your day, I wanna talk about certain things that have happened in my life, TODAY.
Today, was another ordinary day where I was losing my shit in the morning, as things weren’t going as planned, and I was very annoyed.
That’s when it hit me – “I am here on this Earth; I have been given this day, and I’m going to seize it” (ps: my goal for 2024 is to seize each day). And then, I went on YouTube and clicked on a video on how to romanticize your life (I do too fall off the wagon sometimes). I did not need to finish the video though – in fact I watched it for about a minute or so. I didn’t need to watch the video, as I now already knew what to do.
What was said in the video was very valid and informative, but what I needed to do was something I had learnt already through trial and error i.e, What raises my vibrations.
If you haven’t read my blog on how to raise you vibrations, please do check it out here.
I then, put on some music (dancy vibey music) and started randomly – just moving my body to it. Eventually I felt better. And since I had a lot of time, I also did my self care – which in turn got me into this amazing mood. I also realized that I had been postponing my self care for a while – especially the hair treatment, eyebrows, manicure, etc. As I had time, I went ahead and did that today. So, I utilized the time rather than sitting in a low vibe, moody energy (lamenting something I had planned for the day and it didn’t go accordingly).
I had/have million others things on my palette, might as well check them off one at a time right?
Doing that (hair treatment for dandruff, other self care stuff) felt amazing!
This was followed by Tuitions that I take. Kids were amazing and cheerful today, they learnt, joked around, danced, etc. I like discipline but I also believe students truly learn if they enjoy the class, where they feel heard and can voice out their doubts without any hesitation – that only happens if they are comfortable, therefore I do allow them to have fun along with studies in a controlled manner. I do not believe in carrot and stick rule, I believe they should be taught with care and fun, rather than being force fed.
Teaching, dancing, etc – raised my vibration (and mood) to such an indescribable level.
I just had to give my permission, i.e my will : to not sit or stay in a low, critical, annoyed, vibe, and Universe pushed all these amazing incidences in my life to pull me up – It gave me ideas like dancing, self care and brought in situations or people who pulled me up, like kids I teach, some vendors I met, overall a joyous day!
I was completely aware in every single one of those moments, when I clicked pictures, spoke to people, taught or danced around. And I realized each time, how blessed I was to be living like that in those moments. I was grateful, I was happy, I was fully present and was in my flow state!
You need to be present, that is the primary, basic and fundamental step.
Yes, I might not have been present 100% of the time as I was teaching others, engaging in conversations – but I did come back each time between the moments of gaps that I found, to the feeling of oneness with the universe, to the present moment!

I was grateful for each and every moment and activities or incidents that were taking place – which pushed me and elevated me to this higher level where I was no more depressed, no more sad, no more annoyed about everything going bad in my life – I felt content, happy and at peace. I love teaching kids as it gets me in my flow state, where nothing else matters and fills me up with such joy and peace that no club or event in Bangalore could ever compare to.
The point to take from here is that – You Are Surrounded By Magic.
You are surrounded by magnificent beings, spiritual beings – people who are here to push you to become the better higher version of yourself.
You are also surrounded by invisible astral beings, by this infinite vast abundant universe.
It all in itself is MAGICAL!
Now, if somebody asks me “Hey, but I am sitting in a boring corporate office, and all I see is this computer and few numbers on it. There is nothing Magical about this tiresome life. How do you see magic in that?”.
That’s a brilliant question and the answer is quite simple : You have this time!
When you are looking at your screen, you are working and maybe are frustrated – take 2 minutes and come back to the feeling of being present, being observant and becoming one with the universe. You can do that in number of ways, you can analyze your life and each moment that led you to a beautiful company or office like that. And if you are not happy with that – visualize a better scenario as it has already happened. Or use any other spiritual tool.
Or just take few deep breaths and be grateful for where and who you are, look at the things around you, look at the walls, the chair or sofa you sitting on, the computer you are working on, etc – JUST BE FULLY PRESENT!

Just be there, you don’t need a ritual, candle or a crystal – you just need yourself, you need your being, you need your presence. That’s all it requires for you to be spiritual right now. To find magic!
For example: I am sitting in this room, and I was fully engrossed in typing this out for you all, and took this very second to pause and look around.
I figured there are a lot of things I am grateful for, like this laptop which helps me communicate with you all, the walls around me being pretty & neat – (protecting me from heat, rain), the people in my life who make me feel loved, available on the other side of my phone to text or call at any or all times even for smallest inconveniences; the bed, sofa, chair I am sitting on – Lot of people are not fortunate enough to get that – but that’s not the point, we are not comparing, we are just grateful for all these experiences.
Use all your five senses to experience the Present. Be present right now, and I am sure you will find magic in one or the other thing.
Imagine yourself as a consciousness. You are a conscious being – and through this you are becoming conscious of that consciousness – that is Magic in itself.
If you start finding magic in little moments, in how you look, how you are, what you eat, what you do, what you sleep on, what you wake up with, what you dream, what you think, every little moments – taking few seconds to become present :
I AM NOT EVEN ASKING YOU TO BE GRATEFUL, just to be aware and present – to look at things without any judgement or thought arising out of your mind – become aware, become curious – that’s when you will find these beautiful, serene moments, where you are not even yourself, You are not your mind – YOU ARE BEYOND A DEEPER LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING – you see things at a different level then.

As it was mentioned in this amazing book called ‘Power Of Now’ by Eckart Tolle –
“Everything that exists has a being, has a God- essence, has some degree of consciousness. Even a stone has rudimentary consciousness, otherwise it would not be and its atoms and molecules would disperse. EVERYTHING AROUND YOU IS ALIVE.”
Everything is alive around you.
Even non living things. Their atoms are held together with such a force or in such a way, to get them that shape and form they are in right now. And if they weren’t, these things would not exist. That itself is a form (a very low level ) of consciousness. Everything around you is manifested, and everything is a manifestation of the universe.

Therefore, if you observe closely, or quiet your mind for even a few seconds – you do not need any tools like rituals, crystals, meditations, etc – to find Magic around you.
You just need yourself, keep coming back to your being, your presence, your essence and that’s all it takes to be Spiritual!
As Everything is Magical!

Thankyou for reading so far, hope you liked it!
Catch you soon again in another blog – till then keep observing and being the part of this magical universe!