February 2024.

“Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.”

Mae West

Hi lovelies,

Time to slow down!

Last month of January was personally, a very fiery, energetic with sort of a go getter vibe kind of month for me. It was filled with hope, productivity, organizing life, pursuing passions, etc. with a force, a will and an aggressive flow.

It might have looked different for you. Maybe you had a month of emotional roller-coasters, or maybe your manifestations were coming true one after the other (Mine did, without much effort), or maybe you were travelling or visting new places, or maybe January didn’t look different at all – but you might have felt better, energetic, hopeful, etc. Or Maybe none of these happened – but something large, unique, memorable event took place. Let me know in comments below, how was January for you and what happened?

Overall, January approached us with a Go Getter energy. It sowed new seeds, it pushed all our buttons, exhausted us or replenished us, leaving us with Gorgeousness of this month of February!

January’s momentum is carried forward to first few days or even weeks of February, however if you haven’t already (unlike me) experienced the push from the universe to slow down, you will soon!

February is a feminine month – with its grace, ease, flow, gentleness, creativity and pause. It so brings with itself then, the qualities of the same.

What do I mean by a feminine month?

I know it deserves a blog of its own, but in short – femininity is associated with grace, moon, flow, gentleness, patience, endurance, creativity, nurture, receptivity, beauty, warmth, humility, slowing down, being in moment, appreciating, gratefulness and so on. So, naturally it brings forth these qualities.

Why am I writing a separate blog on this month?

Well, there are many reasons :

  • Firstly, as unreal as it sounds, I felt a deep push to do so. The moment I learned about these things, I had a never exhausting urge to share it here. (I rescheduled a blog which was meant to go live today and typed this out instead.)
  • Secondly, We all need this month and the wisdom, its bringing forth in our lives. I do not want you to break your heart over the slowness of work, ideas, productivity, etc during this month. It simply is meant for a different purpose.

What is February bring for us?

To begin with, highlighting the main point of this month – February is asking us all to slow down. It’s almost forcing us to slow down. That might look like an illness for you, or maybe lack of creative ideas, low mood or strength, wanting to sleep in more, drag in things or events, etc.

I am already feeling this, each day into this month – I am struggling to get through my exercises or even wake up. People I know, are getting sick – cold, flu, etc. I even feel a slight lack of creativity or motivational ideas. But, due to this knowledge, I know where to direct my energy to utilize this month to its fullest or to serve its purpose. (which I will share in a while.)

Why are people getting sick, or things moving slower?

Is February punishing us? Absolutely not.

Infact this month is so beautiful.

It is a month where feminine energy are naturally on the forefront. And masculine energies are asked to take a step back, recharge, relax and get replenished during this time.

Please Note :I do not mean male or female – I am speaking in terms of energies.

With January’s go getter energies – our bodies, mind and souls need a recharge – and February comes with just that. There are two main synchronicities in this month – 2/2/24 and 22/2/24 – Hence, the number 2, 22, 222, may show up a lot.

This represents Balance, collaboration, harmony, love, etc.

You might like me see the number 22 or 222 a lot – take it as your sign from the universe, god, guides, etc to embrace the beauty of February and SLOW DOWN.

It is like a mini retreat, before we jump into hyper active energies of March again! Its your time to reflect, energize, rest, etc.

Hence, when people with go getter mindset do not sync in with this change in energy, always on the look out for productivity in one form or another, will face this force stop from February – in form of SICKNESS, SUDDEN LOSS IN INTEREST OR MOTIVATION OR CREATIVITY,etc.

I wondered and you might too, why February is approaching us with a dip in creativity, despite being a feminine month.

Answer is pretty simple, creativity cannot be defined by you or me. And the labels we have given are somehow again connected to the masculine go getter energy : for example, creativity for you might be creating content for youtube, but if you look deep – its just a step to getting your next pay cheque – it is work!

Creativity in its true sense , will be amplified – take time to just relax, enjoy and indulge in things like cooking, drawing, playing, designing, etc – just for the sake of it, and not work.

What to do during this month?

  • This month is preparing you for coming days, where you will get back the energies like those of January. Hence it is perfect and in resonance with the purpose of this month – to reflect, to do the inner work, to work on your emotions, thoughts, belifes, to declutter toxins from your body, soul and mind. Try journaling, cooking, enjoying music, taking slow relaxing baths, diving deep, being aware of your thoughts, taking some alone time, being gentle with your tasks, etc.
  • Slow down – do not push to get things done this month, and don’t be disappointed if nothing gets done or seems like everything is falling apart. You bring out everything first before cleaning your almirah – and remove the unnecessary items – simultaneously arranging back the ones needed neatly right? February is doing the same for you. It’s bringing out all the junk for you to select which to keep and throw – from your body, mind and soul.
  • I encourage to let it all out. Cry. Take walks in nature. Get away from your screens as much as possible. Quit social media. It’s time for yourself to really, really reflect.
  • Do not start anything new, this month. Wait till march. As its time to remove and not to bring in more stuff.
  • Emotions will be pretty stable this month unlike last month, hence making it easier to do your shadow work, etc.
  • Do not try to force anything on you – flow with the flow of life mindfully.

Enjoy this month, and truly utilize the potent and amplifying energies of February – in terms of gentleness, flow, pause, beauty, reflection, carefree, etc.

Remember as Leeor Alexandra says : “Everything is happening for you and not to you”. DO not be disheartened.

On an ending note, I would just like to add what happened to me this morning, as an example for you all to understand February better:

“I woke up at 7 (when I generally have to by 6), my plans were cancelled (after a tough week, I had finally made plans to hang out with a friend) and I was disheartened. I got upset, angry and frustrated. Furthermore, I got a message from one of the parents (at 6 am guys) complaining about a student’s marks, whom I teach. They were pretty upset and angry. I got furthermore, disheartened, sad, upset, angry and frustrated. I pour my soul into teaching and when things like this happen, it saddens me. However, Despite morning meditations, mindfulness, positive reading, I just wasn’t able to shake that feeling off. I felt the burden of the entire situation and everyones lives (students, parents, friends, my own) on me. And that’s when I found this video of Leeor Alexandra on youtube (simply a fan, she has literally changed my life in various ways). She spoke about surrender and letting go. And I was brought back to the readings of this month February. I slowly let go control and surrendered. Wasn’t easy, but possible. I even allowed myself to sleep for a little while longer – till 9 am. And things are comparatively better now. Trust in the universe, if you look for help, you are going to receive it. Do not take burden of how life should unfold on your shoulders, simply just flow mindfully.”

I urge you all to do the same.

Whenever you feel these uncomfortable situations or emotions, simply come back to awareness, if that doesn’t help (It didn’t for me today, I felt this huge rock on my heart, literally a physical pain), try surrender. It can be in any form – journaling, praying, setting intention to receive guidance, reflecting what’s really bothering you, gratitude, etc.

I know many of you might not be able to do so, due to your work schedules, etc – but try practicing it any ways – like slow baths, slow mornings, in between breaks, more sleep, less screens, etc. Just remember you do not need to rush – things are falling into place on their own!

Enjoy this month and remember slow down!!

“The way to capture the moment is to slow down and look within, to simplify and celebrate the everyday.”

Rosie Steer, Slow Seasons

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1 year ago

Nice one 💯


[…] February 2024. if you wanted to compare the energies of both months, do give this a read ☝🏻 […]

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