This is strictly personal opinion based 4 to 5 practices of listening and following a guided meditation.
Before jumping onto my experience, I would request you to bear with me till I explain in brief what guided meditations are and what does higher self mean in this regard.
Since, this is the first of many blogs that are about to come on this channel on the topic of – Guided Meditations , it is my duty to explain each topics in brief before jumping right in. If you are already familiar with these concepts, feel free to scroll down.
So, what do I mean by Meditation let alone guided meditations?
I assume, being in 2023 we are well aware of what meditation is and what are its benefits. However, to sum it all up :
Meditation is a practice – not necessarily a spiritual or religious practice – but one which leads us to a state of simply being or mindfulness. Meditation involves training your mind and soul. It involves focusing on just one thing at a time and giving your all to just that. In the times of endless chatter, it is proven to have many different benefits. I could recommend some Youtube videos or other blogs to know about it, if interested do comment down below.
In google terms : Meditation is a mental practice that involves focusing your attention on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity, relaxation, and heightened awareness. It is a technique that has been practiced for thousands of years and is found in various forms in many cultures and religions around the world.

Guided meditation
If you know what meditation is, you might also know that there are various different types of meditation practices available for us to try or incorporate. One such is : Guided meditation.
Guided meditation has become quite popular in the era of social media especially YouTube. It is for me, one of the easiest form of meditation. As the name suggests, you are guided by another person, voice or sound during your entire practice.
Mind wanders, especially when you are trying to meditate, or sit still – thus, when you are guided by something externally, which captures the attention of the mind quicker than internal pulls, it becomes easier to come back to your practice from endless chains of thoughts.
Higher self meditation
There are many forms of guided mediations as well, for various objectives. For example: guided meditation to get rid of anxiety or to find peace, etc.
The primary method in all these remains the same, however the messages sent to your subconcious, hereby differs based on the objectives.
So, what is higher self meditation and why I chose to try it?
Simple and straightforward answer is : Curiosity.

I was curious to know : how does it work? Or does it work at all?
In simple and not esoteric way , higher self refers to a version of you that is omnipresent, knows whats best for you, highest most refined version of you, etc.
The higher self is often understood as an aspect of one’s self that transcends the ego and the physical self, and is connected to a higher or more profound level of consciousness or spiritual awareness.
Maybe you will understand this concept better when I speak about 3D, 4D and 5D reality in upcoming blogs. As this concept is quite interesting and a bit difficult to understand by our 3D brains (doesn’t mean impossible – because at the end of the day it is “your” higher self, you have the knowing!).
I was intrigued by this concept and chose to dive deeper into it. I researched a lot on it before trying the meditation.
Do not worry, its not hypnosis . Nor is it harmful in any way to try before researching. I did it out of pure interest.
I had heard that your higher self knows all that happens with you and also guides you in every way possible at all times. And if you are open to receiving those messages, you can see it in form of intuition, positive or negative coincidences, gifts, dreams, experiences, etc. But most times, we are not even aware.
However, such meditations can get you to contact your higher self directly and can receive those messages by being present.
Generally these messages are like dreams or one on one talk with yourself or any image, etc.
The first day that I tried to meditate with an objective to meet my higher self, it lasted for 10 minutes or so, before I fell asleep.
And yes that’s actually pretty common if you are just starting your meditation journey or practicing after a long time.
Day 2: I tried it again, thinking maybe I did something wrong. I stayed awake this time ( using intention setting method – will talk about it soon in another blog). However, I would like you to know if you are using Youtube just like I did, try sticking to one type of video only, which feels best. Because though the end goal of all such videos is same, they use different visual techniques or images or messages. And that might get you thinking and make you stuck in your thoughts rather than experiencing it by being just present.

So, yes on day 2 I chose a different video, and it felt strange, because nothing happened and I kept waiting for a part from first video.
Day 3 : It finally did happen. I followed the video from day 1, I set an intention to stay awake and meet my higher self.
Now, your higher self or experience of it will differ a lot from anyone else’s, as it is very specific to you and your thoughts, upbringing, beliefs, etc. So kindly do not judge me or yourself for it, if you try.
I visualised it, just as the guide from the video asked me to. However, something strange happened. Instead of ending up in a white castle (as the guide wanted me to ), I ended in a black castle. The Castle was effortlessly elegant and abundant in everything! But I felt an unease. I was scared, felt stuck and almost experienced all sorts of negative emotions at once : anxiety, worry, fear, anger, etc.
In another time I had reached this place again : very recently when I was watching/listening another video, I reached a place ( not a castle, not a house, simply a place I cant begin to describe – and I met a version of me that felt charged with pure negativity and wanted nothing good for me : however it did pretend to be my higher self – this knowing or perceiving what is what, comes with practice)
And I immeditely knew I was in the wrong place, I did something wrong. It cant be a place my higher self would want me to come to. Unless maybe it was a plan . However, I believed my intuition and I stopped the practice immediately. ( I would surely take this topic up another time to explain what it could have meant : spiritually, psychologically and just practically).
Day 4: My desire to meet my higher self did not die out. I tried the same meditation again this night. I was scared to go back to that castle, but I knew I might reach better places this time. And I did.
I climbed up the ladder to this place in the universe, catered in a way so that my 3D brain can comprehend it. I sat down in front of her (me). I asked a lot of questions. Answers came with a smile, ease and with certain sense of calmness.
However, in the middle of it, she asked me to leave, I reached near the ladder and I turned back asking for just a simple guidance that I can take back with me : the answer was “ HEAL “. Only I can tell what this healing meant for me but it included all areas of my life. Kindly excuse me for not sharing other messages and this guidance in depth for some personal reasons.
These messages can be very specific or vague, depending on a lot of factors.
I still feel, I haven’t done justice to this topic, however – this is a good start to give you all an overview.
Lot of people perceive it as a work of mind – imagination or your sub-concious projection and not something mystical.
However, after what I felt and experienced, I would say that I am a believer.

As I woke up back in my room, it felt like I was in a dream, although it felt more like a lucid dream, because when I woke up – the feeling of it all was very different than any normal meditations or dreams. It felt as if I was aware of everything at the same time and yet not aware at all. It is very difficult to explain it in words but it it true… if done right, we can travel to such planes of existence that our minds can’t fathom.
However, I would not completely rule out the possibility of it simply being a dream or a sub-concious projection. And I’m sure people who experience it, will always call it more than just that.
I guess my helpless attempt here to explain this whole scenario, will become more clear – when I talk about different planes, realities and beings.
Until then, I hope I would have awoken some curiosity in you to explore this all on your own accord.
Thankyou so much for reading so far! I’m grateful for you!!