Hi all,
Today I’m here for a little chat. And a small (but sort of very big for me) announcement.
This blog would not be that informative – Take it more like My Tiny Success Story!
So, there are four parts in which I want to showcase this win to you all , (although all my blogs have a background story of a particular win over a situation & then practical know hows of that – but this one is the most SPECIAL :
Let’s dive in, shall we?
I know getting your own website set up in today’s time, is not that big a deal. It is quite common and lots of website are simply made, which are not even used to the extent of money paid to get them.
However, starting my own blog, launching my own website – was a dream I carried deep within my heart, since time immemorial!
Ever since I knew that I loved writing, I wanted my own blog to share my thoughts and build a community.

However, the more I chased it, the more it seemed far fetched and kinda impossible.
There were hurdles like – financial issues, writers block, self doubt, self esteem issues, mental health issues, family & relationship issues – you know the drill.
It was as if, it was never meant to happen.
Finally, I made an impromptu decision, probably the best one so far – to launch my blog on the free site of WORDPRESS – which could later easily be transfered to my site, when I make one. I could no longer wait, for my site to be set up with all technical know hows, or wait for the money to come in, or to get the needed confidence. I just wanted to start, after postponing the same for years.
Choosing a domain name is quite important before setting up any site, and I was always confused and changing. Whenever I would decide on a name, it would either be already taken by someone or too costly to buy. I would check all platforms which sell domain names, and close them all dissapointely, each time.
Finally few months back, I was dead set on finding a name that matched my niche and was available. I landed on TINYWINS.COM, however it was taken already. But I just loved the name and its resonance with my work – so I decided to stick with ITSTINYWINS.COM. However, with each passing day I had the fear – that it would be taken away soon, yet had no money to purchase the same.

And here comes the interesting part : the more I was scared of the domain name being taken away or tensed about money issues, or doubts about my confidence or who would even read my blogs, etc – the more it seemed and became impossible to take a step in that direction.
I would literally meet people, who would discourage me from going about it. I would face difficulties in coming up with ideas. I would face difficulties in setting up even a free website, etc.
It was as if, all forces were against me – trying to prove that my doubts, fears and insecurities were right.

However, slowly when I proceeded with my own spiritual and self growth journey – I slowly saw a change in the type of people I would meet, situations that would follow or the content that would follow out of my heart – It was so natural. I found a pull towards this goal of mine.
I always had a pull towards this goal – no matter what I was doing, dreaming of, all my ambitions, futures & dreams always had this part, where I would sit comfortably in front of a laptop and type out my blog – in a cafe, at my sofa, while travelling, etc.
But my fears were pulling me in the opposite direction, and thereby I stayed stagnant for many years. However, once I overcame the barrier – The pull came naturally. And though I could not foresee any reasonable way I would own a website or launch a blog – things cleared up day by day, one step at a time.
To begin with, my Instagram, Pinterest and free website had good number of visitors for a beginner level.
Secondly, I was no longer afraid or shy, to tell people my real name – the person behind this blog.
I no longer felt the need to be hidden for the reason that people might judge for such contents. Because I was now comfortable in my own skin, and knew my values, likes and dislikes & in general the kind of person I am. And it wouldn’t dishearten me if people did not resonate to my content, because I know that not everyone will – and that’s okay.
Also, I didn’t feel the need to be the “cool” one anymore, to write only certain types of blogs, etc. And this came with lot of inner work, practice, breakdowns, self introspection, mistakes, etc.
And finally, One day I randomly decided to launch my own website.
One month of blogging on free site – gave me the confidence and the know hows to launch my own. I still didn’t have sufficient money though, but I still wanted to launch this with my own money – not my parents or others – and there came a solution, out of the blue. A person I haven’t talked in a long time – lent me the same, without much inquiries, providing me ample time to return the same on my accord.
I was so happy and felt blessed, when all doors were closed, this one opened as a miracle. And that’s how universe works, to get you what you desire- maybe not in the way you imagined, but better.
- The thing I noticed when I launched my site was that, I unknowingly or rather unintentionally was practicing certain manifestation techniques which actually worked. For example: I kept writing itstinywins.com in my instagram and pinterest posts rather that tiny4wins.wordpress.com (free site). It was unintentional : I did it so that my viewers are familiar with the new site when it is released. However, what it subconciously did was, make it a reality where my site was already published with the name itstinywins.com, and since it had no fear or limiting beleifs attached to it, it manifested within a month of doing so, because I wholeheartedly believed that I am the owner of this blog site. Again It was Unintentional and I realised it the day, I finally bought my own domain name.
- This domain name is so popular that it would have been sold or atleast the prices would have hiked by this one month or the three months prior to that, when I just had the idea of launching it with that name : But my unshakable want and belief to own it one day, manifested it quicker than I could imagine.
- I kept telling important friends in my life, how I am going to launch a blog soon, and how they should subscribe when I do (other playful things around it). I didn’t know when I would launch but I knew I would launch it during this lifetime and that belief alone was enough. This was again an unintentional manifestation trick : HAVING FAITH THAT THINGS WILL WORK OUT, WITHOUT BEING DESPERATE. I didn’t give it a fixed time, date, year or a month – I just knew or rather believed that it will happen. And this manifested quickly.
- Actual Rituals. So I recently have become super intrigued by MOON CYCLES, and their effects. Therefore, I without fail, have a 10 or 20 minute meditation ritual (or other rituals if required) on new moon and full moon days. As a part of my practice, I kept writing goals for the month on each new moon day. From past 3 to 4 months, I always mentioned that I would launch my blog – in that respective coming month, post that new moon. It didn’t happen in the first month of doing so, but I kept writing it as one of the goals of those coming months – and finally on this coming full moon day – I would be able to check that goal off the list. That makes me super proud.
- I kept keeping drafts. Even though I didn’t have any site – Any content that came out of my heart, no matter the time – I kept it saved in my computer under the folder called BLOG DRAFTS, so that the day I actually launch a blog – maybe in 1 year, 5 years or 10, I could use them. And This was another manifestation technique that happened unknowingly and automatically. In my head, I just didn’t wanna lose my precious drafts or those ideas, but it served as a reminder for my actual blog drafts. And I did use them, the first ever blog I lauched is actually the first ever piece that I saved, which was written in the year 2021.
- And final one : I would like to add REAL GRATITUDE – I always thanked whatever little I got along the journey, and took those tiny wins or losses, as my stepping stones or reminders that the destination is not that far away now. For example each draft that I wrote not knowing whether I will ever get a chance to publish them ever was followed by following emotions – I still felt happy and thanked everything that made that idea in my head manifest that way and took it as a practice for when I actually launch my blog – rather than seeing is as a waste of time, as I didn’t own a blog at that point in time, or when I got criticized for a certain way of writing, I took it as a feedback rather than quitting altogether – even though there were days, when I did felt like quitting on this dream & get “practical”. Well still, just be grateful and positive – easier said than done, trust me I freaking KNOW!

These and many such unnoticed practices that I followed, led me to where I am quicker than I believed I would be.
Universe keeps showing me the proof that it’s possible. Maybe that’s for another blog.
On an ending note :
I might have embodied the state unknowingly – of being a blog or website owner and therefore manifested it within a month – however, we can conciously do the same, have unwavered faith and work on your limiting beliefs, believe that things are going to work out sooner or later – and LET THE MAGIC HAPPEN ON YOUR BEHALF!
Law of attraction works. You embody the state or frequency you wanna attract, and you attract the same. You believe you are the owner, and then become that owner. The key word is “Believe”, not “want”.
I would soon make a post, all about this Law of Attraction and some practical tips for the same, if you are interested.
This one, was about my SUCCESS STORY – of finally being a BLOGGER with my own site and domain name. A place I wanted to be in forever.
I will keep you posted on many such Tiny or Huge Wins, in and of the future.
Thankyou so much for reading so far & being a part of my journey!!!
I am so grateful for this Win and for you all here today!!!! AND HAPPY DIWALI TO YOU ALL!!
Catch you soon…..