Let’s bloom with Tiny Wins of Life…


This blog is an open ended discussion for us all – to find ourselves and know what works for us!

  • Why watching Self help videos isn’t helping : missing piece of growth! 🌱📈

    Why watching Self help videos isn’t helping : missing piece of growth! 🌱📈

    Hi you, We are officially in the new year, and this, our very first blog, aims to put your focus back on your promised track, your goals, and your commitments. Let’s see how. We all love feeling the joy of being productive for a while, a whole day, or a whole week, and I am…

  • Step-by-Step Planning for 2025 Goals 🎉

    Step-by-Step Planning for 2025 Goals 🎉

    As the new year approaches, many words and exercises are thrown up in the air: life audit, vision boards, curiosity calendar, non-negotiables list, etc. Although all are very useful tools, today, here, plan with me (exactly how I planned for my new year) without any past reflections or tedious life audits. Before we get started,…

  • The Healing Power of Letting Go: A Path to Inner Peace 🕊️

    The Healing Power of Letting Go: A Path to Inner Peace 🕊️

    Hi, you,Today’s topic is something I personally struggle with a lot, being a Taurus or simply because of habits I picked up over the years or ego—the struggle to let go of anything. How could he or she say that? How can they get away? Why did that happen? Be it relationship breakups, friends, cousins…

  • Spiritual Must-Haves for 2025: Tools to Elevate Your Journey

    Spiritual Must-Haves for 2025: Tools to Elevate Your Journey

    Hi you,Welcome back to another spiritual must haves! Last year, on November 22, 2023, I had the idea of doing a spiritual haul. Now, I know it’s usually about things you’ve already bought, but just like in my previous blog, I’ve prepared a list of things I feel I need, to level up or assist…

  • Happiness Anxiety: Why Good Feelings Can Bring Fear and How to Handle It!

    Happiness Anxiety: Why Good Feelings Can Bring Fear and How to Handle It!

    Hi You, How are we holding up? I am quite happy today! But not to jinx it, Touchwood! That brings me straight to the topic at hand! I am very happy today, but I can feel the fear creep in… Chest getting heavy, airflow blocked, suddenly I am aware of all the scary thoughts my…

  • Books I Read for Personal Growth, Self-Discovery, and Spiritual Awakening in 2024 📓✧˖°.

    Books I Read for Personal Growth, Self-Discovery, and Spiritual Awakening in 2024 📓✧˖°.

    If I could convince anyone to pick and stick to one habit in the upcoming year, I would suggest reading (or audio-books if you are not a fan of reading). Not only are you constantly yet subtly learning new things each day, unlike bombarding your brain with an overwhelming number of content by constant scrolling,…

  • It all happens for you and not to you…

    It all happens for you and not to you…

    Hi you all, Welcome to last second month of the year. This year 2024 has truly been so fulfilling and enriching for me. I experienced the best of days like working on this blog, getting an internship in tier 1 firm, trips to humbling places, moving to a posh society, starting tuition again, luxurious outings,…

  • Where have I been?

    Where have I been?

    Hi You, I don’t know if you noticed, but I haven’t posted anything since April. I am guilty of it, and also not. These blogs are my creative flow, I write from my heart and I know what I say here, is also what I live by. So, I didn’t want to fake it and…

  • I feel disconnected..

    I feel disconnected..

    I feel the disconnect, do you too? Hi lovelies, Unlike all other blogs, I am here to say it (finally out loud) : “I FEEL DISCONNECTED”! I do still believe in the Universe, I just can’t feel the same connect as before. I know most people would scoff right now, call me crazy, or jobless…

  • The Power of Acceptance🦋

    Hi lovelies, A warm welcome to you all! March has kept me quite busy, of course in a positive productive way. Although its got the fire of January, but the growth is slow. How is March treating you? The reason I began with an update to my life with respect to the energies of this…



    Hi lovelies, I am currently very overwhelmed. Yes, Again! So, I am currently being very productive from past few days. But, that’s not enough for me. In my previous blog I spoke about tying my self worth to the amount of work done. And the freeze response – Well the situation is kind of similar…

  • Am I Useless?

    Am I Useless?

    AM I USELESS? Ever woke up feeling Useless? Well, I did today. Despite what others could tell or my positive shelf could muster, I felt completely and utterly useless. (ps: wrote on 24th February) Hi lovelies, Hope you all are doing great. I also hope, none of you ever feel this emotion or feel Awful…

  • March Energy Reading! 🍀

    March Energy Reading! 🍀

    Clouds clearing up. Bright sunny March is here! Hi lovelies, I enjoyed updating you all on February energies, I hope you all enjoyed it too. Let me know whether you found it helpful. Last month, it was a sudden impulse and a never ending urge to share those vibes with you, to prepare you for…



    Hi lovelies, Consider this my way of checking up on you, so HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? How is this month of February treating you? I hope the answers are all positives and if not, don’t worry, you got this! I know when times get tough, we slowly start abandoning our self care rituals, spiritual practices,…

  • Shift Your focus from lack to abundance ☘️

    Shift Your focus from lack to abundance ☘️

    (ps: written on 2023 June) Hi Lovelies, Living Life of your dream, what does that look like? Is it those big mansions, big cars, branded clothes? Is it good family time, relations, having a perfect boyfriend or girlfriend? What is it? I know the answer is just one word : SUBJECTIVE. But, I still chose…

  • Quit being Lazy in 2024!!

    Quit being Lazy in 2024!!

    Hi lovelies. If you ever ask my family or close friends, to name at least one trait of mine, ninety nine percent of the time, you will get “LAZY” as an answer. I don’t even blame them, it had come to a point, that I had made my peace with it and had started calling…

  • A letter to my Younger self..

    A letter to my Younger self..

    Hi lovelies, Today we are trying something different. I am giving you all an exercise. Each one of you reading this, have to drop everything you are doing right now, and write at least a paragraph – a paragraph, few sentences or a letter to your younger self. It need not be very specific. I…

  • February 2024.

    February 2024.

    “Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.” Mae West Hi lovelies, Time to slow down! Last month of January was personally, a very fiery, energetic with sort of a go getter vibe kind of month for me. It was filled with hope, productivity, organizing life, pursuing passions, etc. with a force, a will and an…

  • Finding Magic wherever you go!!

    Finding Magic wherever you go!!

    Hello Lovelies, Today’s topic is perfect as the first ever one for this year. It is about finding magic wherever you go. Finding magic in each moment. Finding magic in every person, place, thing, and event. How to stay spiritual throughout the day? Many of us are operating on autopilot most of the time. We…

  • Let’s Catch up

    Let’s Catch up

    Hello lovelies, Welcome back to Tiny Wins!! For the very first time this year, WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME. I hadn’t had the motivation, time, or energy to share any content worth starting your new year with until today! I am not going to bore you with my personal reasons for not being active here or on…

  • WELCOME 2024!!🍾 Plan 2024!! ✨️

    WELCOME 2024!!🍾 Plan 2024!! ✨️

    Hi loves, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎄 As you all know, we are already nearing the end of the year 2023. This made me a little restless, thinking how and what to plan for the coming new year, 2024. Social media has an overwhelming flow of contents on how to level up or prepare for this new…

  • My Journey with Plants🌿..(Plant & Spirituality)

    My Journey with Plants🌿..(Plant & Spirituality)

    Hello all, “I was thinking what to write today that resonates with not just me but all of you reading this blog. And I haven’t thought of an idea just yet.” As I sat down for a mini session of meditation – hardly 5 mins, This line that I wrote above kept coming to me…

  • How to have a HOLISTIC NIGHT ROUTINE ✨️🤌🏻

    How to have a HOLISTIC NIGHT ROUTINE ✨️🤌🏻

    HI lovelies, Before we jump into today’s topic, I wanted to share this interesting thought : Whenever, I feel a block in my head, for coming up with any topic for my blogs, for example today, I sit down for a 5-minute meditation, not necessarily to come up with answers (sometimes with that intention), but…

  • Stop Worrying & Start Receiving❣️(Manifestation 101)

    Stop Worrying & Start Receiving❣️(Manifestation 101)

    Hi all, I can talk to you about LAW OF ATTRACTION, for days. Various methods, its mysterious yet obvious ways of working, the wonders associated with it, etc. But none of that matters, without knowing few other concepts like; And that is why, I am here today. Let’s NOT GET TO WORK TODAY, shall we?…

  • YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS (Inevitable moments and how to deal with them?) ♣️

    YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS (Inevitable moments and how to deal with them?) ♣️

    This blog can be put in the category of content that flows straight out of my heart. It’s something that I have been thinking about a lot lately. Let’s get to it shall we? Have you ever found yourself questioning the following : Why am I going through this? Why others seem to have the…

  • How to Raise Your Vibration Instantly🍁..

    How to Raise Your Vibration Instantly🍁..

    HI loves, So I was thinking of a topic for this blog, and came across this very trendy topic : “ HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. “ And though there is a lot of content out there for the same, I feel it’s best to pick and choose what’s best for you or rather what…

  • Spiritual Haul, 2024 ✨️

    Spiritual Haul, 2024 ✨️

    Hey lovelies, I am feeling very chipper, compared to last few weeks. And this is just the energy that this piece of content required. It’s almost mid November and every one is now preparing to level up their game in the coming year. Everyone is searching or recommending ways to be one step ahead of…

  • A Small Incident…(Being Present)

    A Small Incident…(Being Present)

    A day is filled with so many tiny details, which we often choose to ignore or not give importance to. Those small moments of joy, peace or serenity are often covered up by the layers of stress, worry and anxiety. We must have heard it like a million times “BE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT “but…

  • Do “Guided meditations on meeting your higher-self” work? 

    Do “Guided meditations on meeting your higher-self” work? 

    This is strictly personal opinion based 4 to 5 practices of listening and following a guided meditation.  Before jumping onto my experience, I would request you to bear with me till I explain in brief what guided meditations are and what does higher self mean in this regard.  Since, this is the first of many…

  • A Little – Tiny Win ..Proof that Law of attraction works 🙂

    A Little – Tiny Win ..Proof that Law of attraction works :)

    Hi all, Today I’m here for a little chat. And a small (but sort of very big for me) announcement. This blog would not be that informative – Take it more like My Tiny Success Story! So, there are four parts in which I want to showcase this win to you all , (although all…

  • The Art of Saying “Thankyou”.

    The Art of Saying “Thankyou”.

    Ever heard of the word Gratitude? Everyone knows, or have felt atleast once, what the feeling of gratitude is like. Google says, “Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” SO WHY AM I BORING YOU WITH SUCH A TOPIC, you ask? Well I believe that this…

  • I took a 75 Days challenge!

    I took a 75 Days challenge!

    Hi all, I am here today, to share a tiny win, to inspire maybe some or all of you reading it. I am so crazy about self improvement, that quite literally would do or try out anything out there for it. And trust me I have learnt things the hard way, because like I said…

  • Returning to Peace (How to find calmness in chaos?)

    Returning to Peace (How to find calmness in chaos?)

    Returning to peace has never been this easy ! Finding yourself in the middle of chaos and screaming endlessly, wishing for a solution or it to go away – I feel, a lot of us, find ourselves there quite often! There may not be a way to stop all the problems or like I love…

  • WHY DO WE? (Start your INNER WORK journey today!)

    WHY DO WE?                                                                                                                    (Start your INNER WORK journey today!)

    Why don’t we appreciate, the things we have, before we lose them? Those people before they leave? Those experiences before they become memories? Why seek comfort in complaining, bickering, arguing, finding faults? Why does it become so hard, to simply appreciate the moment, people or things? Why is it so easy to place blame or…

  • Self Care & Beyond : A Holistic approach to Happiness!

    Self Care & Beyond : A Holistic approach to Happiness!

    Hi loves, I am back! I guess there was a big reason as to why I stopped writing for so long( post lockdown). I needed this realization. I needed those heartbreaks, I needed those friendships and I needed those losses… To understand what I do now. To begin to love myself more, to begin to…

  • How does our reality get shaped by the words we hear, speak or believe in ? : Sound messages, including Songs

    How does our reality get shaped by the words we hear, speak or believe in ? : Sound messages, including Songs

    Your words create your reality!  As cliche as it sounds, it does have a ring of truth around it.  There is a reason, why affirmations are so popular, not just in today’s era, but since ages. A person creates his or her own reality by using this powerful tool called “words”. The concept of curses…

  • Walking the Talk: Story of Positive Initiatives

    Walking the Talk: Story of Positive Initiatives

    The world is opening up to me! Slowly for me to understand and yet fast enough to scare the crap out of me!!! Lately the decisions I took either consciously or subconsciously has impacted me in ways I couldn’t have imagined.I always resented the dialogue my parents & brother used i.e., “Just few more years…

  • Overthinker – MY story of overcoming it!

    Overthinker – MY story of overcoming it!

    You are with people all the time, even when you are alone in an empty room – Especially if you are an over thinker! Words heard or spoken just flow in your veins and if you are lucky it stops as you fall asleep – mostly after tossing and turning through the entire night. Sometimes,…



    As a 20 year old living in somewhere between this noisy yet overly secluded part of the city, I sit here in my balcony enjoying my favourite beverage of all – CHAI! And the lake view, typing out the lessons that the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 taught me directly or indirectly, how these were…